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Makisupa Dragon Fruit Cactus

Makisupa Dragon Fruit Cactus plant

Makisupa Dragon Fruit Cactus plant produces dark pink fruits with green tips, housing a delicious neon red flesh that is both edible and earthy in flavor. This variety is a wonderful mid-yield, self-pollinating type, typically large in size, weighing between 0.7 to 1.2 lbs on average. Known for its adaptability to various growing conditions and soils, this night-blooming cactus thrives when allowed to climb on a burlap-wrapped totem, trellis, or tree. Its striking 10-16 inch round flowers are highly fragrant and visually captivating, albeit short-lived, …

current price : ₹ 1200

Category : Dragon Fruits

Sub Category : Self pollinating

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